On the Ham Radio airways |
A collection of web pages authored by Jeff Lapping:
including vitriolic commentary, witty phrases,
references to much useful information,
and wisdom of the universe. Jeff began creating web pages
when he first got on the Internet with Web-TV. He found that
companies like Angelfire.com would let you author web sites free so
he created several. He then got me interested in making web pages by starting
one with my wife's watercolors as the subject. We both found that if one
cannot figure out how to write the exact HTML code for a certian object,
all you have to do is find a similar page on the web; copy their code
and fill in your data. A premise that served us well.
* These are actually copies of Jeff's HTML
code on different
web sites scattered around the internet, most of whom were edited
on the Angelfire Servers and which will slowly disappear from
Angelfire over the next months or even year.
Also note that some links may not work as things disappear from the WWW
when the usage drops off over a period of time.